Sannwald Compagnie german

Succession Plan


A business is only as good as its employees, its management, its shareholders and its supervisors!


Personnel development, junior management, demographic changes and innovation capacity are the tasks that are responsible for long-term success of a sustainable business and therefore play a central executive function.


From an external position we could bring a different perception of the actual/target situation of management capacity within a company. Evaluation and objective targeting are key elements to consistent succession planning within the context of strategy and business planning.


Sannwald & Compagnie supports the assessment of an actual situation and the individual definition of your objectives for your business. In close cooperation with our client, we develop concept and action plan and would support any key personnel decisions.


Sannwald & Cie. GmbH • Hauptstrasse 3 • 82284 Grafrath • Tel. +49 (0)89 17 80 39-0 • Fax +49 (0)89 17 80 39-99 •